Thursday, June 14, 2012

World Blood Donor Day : Every Blood Donor is a Hero

World Blood Donor Day is Celebrating on June 14 every year. World Blood Donor Day 2012 will be celebrated targeting every blood donor with the theme - Every Blood Donor is a Hero. It is focusing on the idea that every one of us can become a Hero by giving blood. While recognizing the silent and unsung heroes who save lives every day through their blood donations, the theme also strongly encourages more people all over the world to donate blood voluntarily and regularly.

Another important objective of World Blood Donor Day is to focus on National efforts on improving the safety and adequacy of national supplies by promoting a substantial increase in the number of safe, voluntary non-remunerated blood donors who give blood regularly.

Facts about Blood Donation:

Any Healthy Person in the age group of 18-65 years can donate blood
One can donate blood every three months
Blood Donation makes you feel energetic and builds self esteem
Our body recovers the donated blood within 24 hours to 7 days
One can donate 350 ml of blood at one time. This is just 7% of the 5 liters of total blood in the body
One can't get any infection, including HIV, while donating blood as all consumables and equipment used during the process are sterile and safe from infection
Blood Donation causes weakness or fatigue is a Myth
One unit of donated blood can save four precious lives
Always go to a licensed blood bank or Voluntary Blood Donation Camp to donate blood
 So let's become Heroes by Donating Blood voluntarily and regularly and save lives..!
It's Simple.! It's Safe..!

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